

Goal setter and achiever are in my blood. A desire to be different, stand out, go big, go beyond...

My mantra in life shines in everything I do. Setting up a new boutique gym in the tech hub of Waterloo, owner-operator of M.Photography, creative editor of LADA magazine, Content and Publishing Intern with Rogers Publishing, graduate with a Masters of Business Entrepreneurship and Technology from the university of Waterloo, and Digital Marketing Manager of Hyivy Health. My professional resume is big and beyond what most others have achieved by 24 years of age.

“Throughout her many changing roles in the Company, Emma was able to adapt quickly with her plethora of skills that she has gained throughout previous roles and education. She is organized, easy to manage, a great communicator and collaborator. As a Manager, her subordinates spoke highly of her ability to keep them motivated, focused and on track. Emma is inquisitive and able to extent her knowledge across multiple roles under one vision for a Company and her ability to adapt to the needs of an organization in various roles is extremely impressive. She is exceptionally creative, has an eye for design and visuals and knows how to translate this into brand requirements which are highly praised and sought after from customers and supporters of the Company.

Besides her skills, knowledge and ability to add to any role, she also is a complete joy to work with and can add exponential amount of positivity and light to any culture. She comes into her job everyday willing to contribute to the overall wellness and mindset of any company and their personnel. I am confident that Emma would be an excellent fit for any company culture and would be a productive addition to an organizational role in the future.”

- Rachel Bartholomew, Founder & CEO of Hyivy Health

“I have had the pleasure of working with Emma while I was completing a four-month co-op term at Hyivy Health. I was working as a front-end developer and Emma was the UX supervisor. Emma was very knowledgeable in graphic design and provided valuable insight into how subtle details can make a user interface more intuitive.

During our time working together, Emma went out of her way to ensure my success and the success of the other co-op students. She checked in with us regularly to make sure our needs were being met and connected us with the resources we needed. When planning projects, she volunteered to use the organizational tools with which her coworkers were most comfortable and quickly adapted to using them. When our workload increased, she taught us scheduling strategies to help us manage our time and maintain a healthy work-life balance. When it came time to present our work to the company executives, Emma helped us understand what was expected of us and how to structure a formal presentation. In whatever way she could, she made sure to accommodate the needs of her coworkers and play to their strengths.

Every interaction I had with Emma was positive and she always had words of encouragement to share. She made it her priority to build other people up, even when she had many responsibilities of her own. Emma listened earnestly and was easy to communicate with, and when I had concerns it was easy to approach her about them.

In summary, Emma is a highly organized and endlessly encouraging team player, and it was a pleasure to have her as one of my supervisors.”

- Andrew Willms, University of Waterloo, Front-End Dev Co-op at Hyivy Health

“I can’t remember the last someone impressed me as quickly. Emma is truly one of the most driven, creative and intelligent young people I have met. Her future is very bright.”

- Fred Mathewson, Sr. Director, Local Media Sales for Eastern Canada at Rogers

"Emma Tonellato is the hardest working kid I know. She is full of ideas and follows up with them. Every time I turn around, she is leading something new. She is valedictorian, she is a member of Team Canada, then blink, she has started her own social media company, but wait, she is helping set up the regions coolest boutique gym, oh, Emma is the Creative Director of a magazine, I am not kidding this kid does it all. She leads, she soars, she runs with everything she holds...and turns it into something beautiful.”

- Michelle Ireland, Senior Account Executive, Rogers Media