ChildLock: MBET New Venture Project

Requirements: Research a problem you are passionate about, Conduct interviews, Gap analysis, Creating a business Plan & Canvas, Create an MVP, and Pitch

In 1998, there were over 3,000 reports of child sexual abuse imagery.In 2014, that number surpassed 1 million for the first time. In 2018, there were 18.4 million, more than one-third of the total ever reported. Those reports included over 45 million images and videos flagged as child sexual abuse material.

At childlock we aspire to create a world where users have the utmost power of their content and right to child’s privacy. We will implement already existing top-notch technology to allow for this.

Our team is composed of individuals with the education and experience in data privacy. We are incredibly passionate about data privacy and the importance of implementing it into users daily lives. 

With this urgency our priority is protecting the rights of juvenile content on the internet. We are confident we can achieve this goal by giving parents the tools to properly protect their children in this ever changing landscape.


The big problem

Children and youth are dangerously vulnerable to child predators on the internet from the lack of data privacy.

Our Mission

At Childlock we aspire to create a world where users have the utmost power of their content and right to child’s privacy


Landing Page and Survey

We are starting to test our hypothesis’s with a landing page and series of surveys and interviews . We are recruiting for preliminary user testing, if you want to be involved fill out this survey.