GBDA 229 Project


- Idea Generation

- Executed the design sketch

- User-Testing of interfaces

-Basic scrolling and selection gestural design

- Collaboration with team mate on gestural design

For this project, we started out working individually on creating an application, interface, or interactive design for a location in Stratford. This required you to collect qualitative and quantitative data on the specific space through journey maps, demographics of customers and what people ordered. In this project, I chose to focus on Revel Cafe, a local coffee shop in Stratford. I then had to display and present my findings in an infographic. After the individual portion of this project, the class got put in teams based on location. We then had to mesh our original high-fidelity prototypes together and design an interface, app or interactive design for Stratford in 50 years.

As a team we did a design sprint involving the use of "Impact Cards" to come up with a scenario and design parameters. The scenario we got for Stratford in 50 years was; global warming causing rising water levels and a superbug killed off the elderly population causing Stratford property prices to drop making Stratford an up and coming tech town. The only restraint for our persona was it needed to be someone who is at least 10 years younger or older than 20. Our idea that we can up with in the ideation process was hologram technology using block chain that would replace large technology such as laptops.

It was a struggle to design something that we have not experienced designing before. How do you design a hologram? I designed a sketch of what the “home page” of the hologram interface could potentially look like and how you can scroll and select through apps using gestures. This turned into the bedrock of our design. I also collaborated closely with another team member on gestures that can be used for typing. We tested on a group with low fidelities to see how they would type without a keyboard and found that typing with tapping different parts of your finger for different parts of the alphabet would save the most personal space and maintain efficiency while typing. The next struggle was deciding how we could present the hologram? We decided to hone in on designing an onboarding experience to teach a person who is 13-year-old or has never used this interface before how to type. A team member made the high fidelities. We presented this interface by using the projector on the fence outside of Revel Cafe. Using projector and Powerpoint as our interface, this way we could control the screens while the hologram was being projected. Creating an effect that the user was actually typing with their hand.


Hologram Interface UX UI High Fidelity


Data Collection and Infographic

Infographic designed in Adobe Illustrator from qualitative and quantitative data collected from Revel Cafe in Stratford Ontario.


Bookworm Interface

Bookworm is designed as an interactive interface that would assign a book to a specific area of the cafe. Bookworm would promote a tech-free social environment for book lovers. This would also provide social opportunities between the elderly and student population in Stratford. Other functions of the interface would allow readers to order customers favourite drinks and snacks ahead and skip the line.


The Design Sprint

The beginning of our design we needed to identify what customers would do in a coffee shop like sitting down to save a spot before ordering. After this sprint, we then picked “Impact Cards” that would then be turned into our design scenario and then ultimately out final idea.


Sketch of Hologram Interface Home Screen

In the design sketch of hologram interface home screen, I had designed the screen as if it would be projected as an ellipse. There would circular apps within the outline of the ellipse with a pop up in the centre with the date and time or instructions. To scroll through the application you would rub your thumb and pointer finger together. This would make other apps roll through the series of applications on your blockchain. To select an application you would touch the needed application to open it.


Screen #1 High Fidelity

The high fidelities were designed by teammate based off of my sketch. These screens are the onboarding process to teach the user how to type using their fingers to tap parts of their hands and fingers are the alphabet.


Screen #2 High Fidelity

Step by step on how to type with your fingers.


Screen #3 High Fidelity

The third screen in the step-by-step on-boarding process.


Screen #4 High Fidelity

The fourth screen in the step-by-step on-boarding process.


Screen #5 High Fidelity

The fifth screen in the step-by-step on-boarding process.