Rogers Media

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Chasing Opportunities

Through networking, I met the Director of Digital, Director of Elevate and the Director of Eastern Rogers. This allowed me to work on two key projects outside of publishing; a social media strategy for the Rogers Eastern Pillar and an internal hub for Rogers Account Executives.


It all started with coffee

Like any good story, this story, in particular, starts with coffee.....

While working at Rogers I had the opportunity to network with the Director of Digital, Director of Elevate, and the Director of Rogers Eastern. Through this networking, I realized that the Eastern network was looking for a way to create a cohesive brand identity for its Eastern pillar. With this information, I proposed to create a social media strategy for the Eastern Network.


the presentation

Type: Social Media Strategy & Presentation

Role: Rogers Media Intern

Timeline: 2 weeks


  • Presentation design (using Photoshop)

  • Creating a social media strategy

  • Branding

  • Photo Research

  • Content Creation

  • Presenting

I put together a PowerPoint pitch to present to the Director of Rogers Eastern. This outlined all the important points for their Instagram page including; utilizing stories, promoting podcasts, monthly takeovers and an overall posting plan. Once I presented it to the Director of Rogers Eastern, put together a presentation for all of the managers of the Eastern Pillar. During the second presentation, we talked about the next steps, how to get the ball rolling, and passing it off to the managers.


Creating a hub

Type: UX & UI Design

Role: Designer & Project Manager

Timeline: 4 weeks


  • Wireframes

  • Accessibility

  • User testing, Interviewing and using HMW statements

  • High fidelity prototyping

  • Product management

  • Photo research

I was approached by Rogers Account Executive to create a workflow for her idea. The idea was to take a 400-page document of digital strategies that they can sell to clients and convert it to an internal hub. This hub will tell reps exactly what strategies they can sell within their market, what these strategies are, case studies, presentation deck templates, and video content. This would essentially fix a learning curve for radio sales reps to sell digital packages. With this flow, I faced challenges like making a high fidelity workflow that someone else could present with little to no dead links.

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First flow ideation…

For the first high fidelity flow, I made the user flow through PowerPoint. By using PowerPoint the presenter could flawlessly present the flow without any dead links to someone else.


Reiterate design…

I sat in a board meeting and listened to updates and reiterated the design. Through this, it was integral to add bread crumbs to the top of every page, re-organize the infinity scroll page and create a carousel for the downloadable videos in each hub.

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Creating an actual site

I reached out to a website developer to create a working site. I then pitched this redesign to the Director of Rogers Eastern.

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The Award

We submitted our project to the 2020 Rogers Sports & Media Innovation Awards and won!

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