Today’s Parent


Today’s Parent x Merci Chocolates Campaign

Type: Content Creation ( 5 GIF’s for Instagram)

Role: Mood Board Designer, Photographer Assistant, Art Director Assistant and GIF Animator

Timeline: 7 days


  • Mood Board Creation (Photoshop)

  • Image researcher

  • Assisting on set

  • Assisting Art Director

  • Create GIFs (Photoshop)

  • Update GIFs (Photoshop)

The first of 5 mood boards for the shoot. This was the mood board for the “Cheers” GIF.

The first of 5 mood boards for the shoot. This was the mood board for the “Cheers” GIF.

The Moods

My first day in publishing, I was asked to come up with a few GIF ideas for the Merci Chocolates social media campaign. I brought 10 ideas to the table and collaborated on narrowing down our ideas to 5 GIFs. I then had the opportunity to turn these ideas into mood boards as inspiration for the photoshoot. These mood boards would prepare the photographer, help the stylist pick items for the shoot, and help the creative director with directing each shot. I was more than excited to be given the opportunity.

This GIF was a rough of the Cheers GIF made for client approval using Photoshop.

This GIF was a rough of the Cheers GIF made for client approval using Photoshop.

The Shoot

I had the opportunity of a lifetime to assist the photographer on shots and worked alongside the Creative Directors on set. This was my introduction to set days in publishing and put set etiquette into perspective for me. Once the images there were taken were approved, I was sent the rough images to make GIFs for client approval.

This is the first end card that was created for the Cheers GIF.

This is the first end card that was created for the Cheers GIF.

The Design

While waiting for client approval. I worked alongside our lead designer to create end cards for each GIF. Making four cards for the client to approve. Once the images and end cards were approved I replaced the low-resolution images with the high-resolution images and added in the end cards to create the final product. These GIFs were created to drive social onlookers from Today’s Parent Instagram page to the Merci article


Co-Branded Ads

Type: Creation of Hyundai Co-Branded Ad

Role: Designer, Animator, Influencer Researcher

Timeline: 24 hours


  • Sizing

  • Layout

  • Updates

  • Creating GIF

I executed many co-branded ad campaigns during my time in publishing. Co-branded ads are ads that are placed on, in this case, the Today’s Parents website to drive to articles that are in partnership with another brand. These ads would usually have influencers or people of influence in the ad and article. For this Co-Branded Ad, Hyundai did an article in Today's Parent using local influencers and their families to review their SUV.

Co-Branded Ad that I created on Photoshop for Today’s Parent X Hyundai.

Co-Branded Ad that I created on Photoshop for Today’s Parent X Hyundai.